I have both X360 and the P3, but wouldn't it be coo to play people in multiplatform games from both consoles. Think about it something like call of duty were the P3 users and the 360 users can go after each other, instead of bashing each other with words and blogs they can actually be competitive with each other in a game. I know All pro Football did such a thing with its 2K lobby but if more developers could follow and harness that trend there would be an age of online enterntainment no one would be complaining about. This form I making here isn't about bashing here...its about unity having two system is great especially when ur unbaised. I wish this could be a reality but i know as long as business still booms it will never happen. Another side note to is in xbox live u can keep making profile to get free months of gaming but it suxs because u can't carry a record. Can anyone tell me can u pay Microsoft with a debet card, or do u have to pay by credit? Happy Gaming stay up!
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