Microtranstactions are welcomed or at least expected in MMOs and freemium mobile games but in these days they also included in some single-player games such as Deus Ex, Tomb Raider, Dead Space 3 and more recently Injustice 2.
This article isn't really about microtransaction itself but rather about the people who spent money on them. Not too long ago someone spent 1000 dollars in Fire Emblem Heroes but still failed to unlock all of the premium characters. Not to mention vast amount of money spent to buy pokeballs in Pokemon Go. I think the appeal of mobile and smart phone games are too great to non-gamers. Put some cute anime girls and/or bishounen(pretty boys) it will print money. Some people are too impatient to grind and would rather spend some money to progress. In some societies such as Japanese and Koreans for example time is more expensive than money itself so microtransactions are the only way for them to progress. They don't have time to play microntransaction-free single-player games on consoles and PC to begin with.
Unfortunately microtransaction become a global problem thanks to those people. The desire to become an ultimate warlord in Clash of Clans or to capture every known pokemon in Pokemon Go surpassed the worry about their hard-earned money. It was these kind of people who kept microtransaction blooming to this day and it won't disappear anytime soon.
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