Ok so I'm 15 years old and my parents shout at me every single day about spending too much time on computers. Now before you think about your answer, yes I spend a lot of time on my ipad, computer and ps4 but I dont understand what the problem is, I play cricket which I'm very good at, I consistently play (6-7 days a week during school) and I play it all the time. When I am on my ipad or computer the majority of the time I'm not playing games Im reading stuff about the latest cricket/ football transfers (but my parents wont believe me). I hardly play on my PS4 because Ive gotten bored of it until yesterday when I got the Black Ops 3 beta which I've played 3 hours of over two days, shocking isnt it? The games I do play are mainly FM15 or I just look around on my ps4 trying to find something to play. The one thing I do a lot of is watch YouTube, Roosterteeth to be exact but I watch it while doing other things. I get good grades (78%) but I could do better but I openly tell my parents that I dont want to cram 4 hours just for a grade 9 test that does nothing to help my future but no Im just lazy according to them... Today my parents said they are going to restrict me on Monday to which I replied "You guys spend as much if not more then me (which is true ive counted how many hours they spend)" "You're 15 you must play outside or read (Hurt my back cant run, all my friends are away, and I do read but I am waiting for the next book in my series and dont wanna read other stuff in case I forget and get mixed up which has happened before!) "Well Megan (my sister) watches tv all day (which is worse IMO) but you dont moan at her" "She is 18 if you want we will go back to the rules she had when she was your age blah blah blah" "Yes I agree I play way too much games and stuff even though its the same amount as the rest of the family" I just dont get it, this conversation happened as my parents were watching tv the whole day and I just played cricket a couple hours earlier, dont they know that TV is worse? At least I'm doing something and not sitting on the couch watching Vampire Diaries or some crap show. Sometimes its just so frustrating, anyone got any helpful things to say/do?
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