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how does this online pass idea work?
will delelopers make it possible to purchase a fresh online pass for a pre-owned game that no longer has one?
if this is how it works then I think it's only fair for stores to sell the pre-owned games at a lower price if they don't include a valid online pass
... rather then having a dollar value, say 1 point per dollar, you purchase 1000 points for $16.50, once your payment has been made all you see is that you have 1000 points, now that instantly devalues the real dollars that they are worth, so when you see something as basic as a t-shirt for your avatar being 200 points, you think "so what, i have 1000 of them" not realizing that you've just spend $3.30 for a tiny shirt animation... Swindells
I never thought of that, you're absolutely right, a 1 to 1 point/dollar value would completely make players think twice when spending points. Those MS people are quite devious.
All things considered, if you're getting it used, there is a very good chance that you could buy the game plus pay for the online activation and still get it cheaper than if you bought it new. However, with how the XBL and PSN systems work, you're probably going to spend more on the points alone in order to get them than you would spend to just pay for the activation fee.
It might bea bit devious, but you gotta remember, game publishers don't care about the people who buy the game used. Used sales don't give them money, so they don't have to be nice to those people.
Way too many people talk about used cars in comparison to video games even though the comparisons don't really work, but in this situation it sorta does. If you go to buy a used car, you don't go watch commercials that apply to the brand-new product. The reason you pay less for used copies of game is because of the expectation that they won't be in the same condition as a sealed copy.
its the reason i never bought UFC10, and will be giving fifa 11 a miss.
i dont have a lot of money and always part exchange a few of my games for a new one. but now these games are instantly devalued because of this ridiculous pass key.
console gaming is slowly moving away from its simplicity into PC territory. companiesare getting too greedy
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