Hands down and undisputed reason PC gaming sucks these days... game developers...
We spend 500-1000 bucks on new hardware to play all the latest games and all we get for it is one or two good games, 5 or 6 Ok games, a ton of (useless)expansions, and a million steaming piles of EA/Ubisoft crap...
It is very clear that PC gaming is being shoved off to the side these days, or when a game does come out it is just a lazy port of the console version that has a million and a half bugs and needs 10 patches to finally hit a stable version.
Now, i love my xbox360 and all, but i just spent $1000 dollars on my new PC so i could play all the great games coming out... i am still waiting (and really have been since about crysis)
I thought LEFT 4 DEAD would finally break that cycle but it only really made me say "WOW THAT WAS FUN... shouldn't that have come out a long time ago though? it wasn't all that special"
I am personally really sick of the way we are treated as PC gamers...
The major developers basically do this:
"thats a good xbox360 owner, heres another game for you! yes its good isn't it... oh whats that PC gamer? you want some too? alright umm... here chew on this for a bit until someone else finds something for you... yeah yeah i know it tastes like sawdust, here is some salt happy?"
(or something along those lines)...
Now, the developers often blame pirates for their treatment of the PC market. and yes, pirates are bad... but seriously, give up the whole "oh poor multimillion dollar company loses a bit of profit..."
Do you not realise that if people pirate your GOOD game you may lose a lot of profit, but if people stop buying your crappy games alltogether (oddly enough because people don't buy crap... who knew right?) you lose ALL your profit?
So any thoughts?
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