thats because you had perfect dark first, you should have bought goldeneye when it came out or tried it first,
perfect dark was basically goldeneye with upgrades
goldeneye is what set the stage for perfect dark and even the timesplitters series found on gamecube xbox and ps2 , not sure if ts 4 will be anything like the 3 but you should check those out to ,
cause they are also spirtual successors to goldeneye then you got goldeneye on the wii which is good enough , but its hard to beat goldeneye/pd/ts
that formula was the fun way of fps games,
--- the ones we mostly see now are shallow in comparision , all they ever care about is online this dlc that
they forgot the main modes goldeneye/pd was known for- in fact only halo has split screen but , hmm no bots or unlockables really dont stack up against goldeneye
or pd , the customizable options in pd out wiegh those in the majority of games we see today
and the single player missions were fun to play , compared to the nonlinear ones that we see that last a mear 4 hours or less
without any reason to back track into these ones ,
its fair to say goldeneye is the better game because well i didnt like pds single player , that one just felt to linear
plus , they could have added a few more missions goldeneye had 20 pd has 17
,, and ya pd mutliplayer is better then goldeneye only for a few reasons
1-its got ai included
2 , theres more customizable options other then that, ge was still fun to play
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