E3 2007 Trailer
So I got the game around 2 weeks ago when my DS was broken (cracked hinges- argh!)
Got my replacement and I've been playing it. I'm only going to talk about things we know about and things we've seen the trailer and I'm trying to avoid the spoilers. As you know, it's very difficult to do this given how PW games are essentially the story and characters.
It has the best first case so far out of any of the games. As veterens will know, that's not saying much as the first case is the introduction that familiarises you with the controls and the processes by which you solve the case. The first chapter is played in the past as Mia defending Phoenix, the prosecuter is the bald guy you've face before only this case ends on a hilarious visual gag. :lol:
What you'll notice is that the game is no upgrade from the other titles, the same format, music, backgrounds and character assets are used. There are also no additional DS enhancements like the last case of PW1.
And er........ that's all I can say about the first case without delving into story talk.
Case 2 is the one I'm on now and it's really great so far. It's impressed me because it seems to reach a conclusion on several points and then you have major unexpected twists that continue the chapter, meaning it's quite long. It's like watching a great movie, thinking you saw the end then realising that you have another half hour to go.
One thing that kinda bugs me is Maya, this girl is always getting me into trouble, but then she wouldn't be Maya otherwise :P
It's got some great new characters, some welcome old ones -so far- and some nice new tunes, remixes and re-uses of old tunes. One thing to mention is the new prosecuter Godot, a white haired sty-le icon with a Cylon-from-Battlestar-Galactica mask. He is hilarious, has his own mellow jazzy theme tune and has this raft of visual gags, which revolve around drinking coffee.
Otherwise it's business as usual for Trite and co (heh heh) and that means what you all know it means. PW Goodness :P
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