I've bought two brand new games, Gran Turismo 4 and Resident Evil 4, both which were released in 2005. I've played through Resident Evil 4 and it was fine. Although Gran Turismo 4 won't load at all. My playstation 2 does have a problem where it can only load a game by turning the machine off with the disc in and turn the machine back on, but this has never caused this problem before. Does anyone have any ideas of what I should do? I'm starting a big collection of games, so if it needs it, I might just buy another playstation 2.
How old is your PS2? Seems like the lens is calling it quits. I'd get a new one or buy a PS3 and be done with it. Though I'm assuming cost-wise a new PS2 is more viable.
I have a playstation 3, it's just I prefer my old system. The playstation 2 was bought brand new when they first came out.. and has been sitting for a few years. So It's the lens probably.
GT4 works on only one of my four PS2's. I remember two of my friends buying the game on launch. They won't home to find out it didn't work for either of them. Anyway, is your PS2 a fat one or a slimline? Are you aware of which model it is, too? You see, it could be a problem with your PS2. GT4 is on a DVD-9 disc, which means it has 2 layers. Most other games are DVD-5 and are easier to read. Try and find any other DVD-9 games and see if they work (list of them all: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PlayStation_2_DVD-9_games). I bet they won't work perfectly. Over time, the laser in your PS2 goes out of alignment. This dodgy alignment makes your PS2's performance suffer on DVD-9 type games. You'll need to realign the laser of your PS2 to get it functioning properly. Here's a guide: http://arstechnica.com/articles/paedia/hardware/ps2.ars Don't be scared to try this. The process is simple, even for someone that's not into electronics/mechanics. One more thing: Did you buy the game used? If so, take a good look at the disc and check for scratches. If it's really scratched up or dirty, that could also be causing your problems.
its just the laser probably. the guide is an easy follow. I end up doing as a maintence item now. I used to get cheap ps2's cause of this then fix and sell.
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