They should make one. I'm not in love with Pokemon, though i admit i was when i was younger. I was just recently talking with my friends and we were revisting our youth for nostalgic purposes and having a good time(higher in -blam!-) and somehow got to talking about a Pokemon MMO. Now being as high as we were we went off on it and made it seem pretty cool. Later we actually sat down and started expanding on it. This is rather long lol.
First, this be more mature, not an E rated game. I'd have to say it'd be T to draw in the maturer audience, get the aging fans now and the older kids who remember the old show. A lil blood not much. Pokemon will be hunting eachother if they're predatory for example.
So pretty much this MMO would be complete redo of things. It'd be an open world filled with the four regions that they have in the gameboy games, so when you start the game you choose one of those four regions then choose between one of the 3 starters that are found in that region. The region you first start in is made easy for you, you only have the ability to venture around in that first region until you defeat all its gym leaders. All the gym leaders of that first region are made rather weak for you so you can begin and get used to the game, leveling up your pokemon, learning the new machanics, etc, along with all the AI controlled trainers in that region who are weak like the gym leaders. Once you have beat that first league that you chose, you're free to journey everywhere around in the any of the other four regions, trying to top the other players out there, replacing the best of them as the Champions(Only a certain amount of players allowed into the most elite of elite clubs/clans int he game, lets say 100 to 1000, depending on how many people are playing the MMO).
To become a member you must first get at least 24 badges(completing three different regions leagues) then defeat the AI controlled Elite Four of the game(all extremely strong) then once they are defeated it will show you the location of Champions on your map located throughout the world, you must track them down and challenge one to defeat and replace him. If you fail, you must wait a week or month(depends on the final product) before you can go to defeat the Elite Four again and Challenge another champion, this will help the champions from being flooded with challenges. Now, you can challenge any other player in the game, but he can deny the challenge and you two wont duel with your pokemon. For Champions though, they will be required to accept a certain percentage of the challenges they recieve, if they do not meet the requirment they will recieve a notification and if they still dont meet the requirement within a certain amount of time they will be removed from the Champions club and the next time another champion is defeated instead of him being replaced, the challenger will fill the gap left by the booted champion from earlier.
Being a Champion will give you access to certain areas to game, that contain various special side quest, stronger pokemon to capture, and the Champions will also recieve a salary. Champions will also have tournaments to determine who is the best of the best that are held every month or so. Prizes will include extremely rare items that would allow them to have a chance to capture legendary pokemon. There will also be small local tournaments held regularly for non-champion players who wish to show whos better. They will recieve various prizes, but none as valuable or as rare as what Champions win in their tournaments.
When you challenge another player; and they accept, you two choose whats to be wagered in the match. You can select from money to be won/lost, or you could wager your items, or maybe even your Pokemon, maybe even combos of them, or nothing at all9so the battles purpose is nothing more than to strengthen your pokemon), your choice. If you challenge an AI controlled trainer it will always accept, though if they challenge you, you can deny the challenge. The battle system will be completely redone, im not entirely sure how yet, but the system found in the old games will have to go. it just wont work and will frankly be to boring.
The various weaknesses and resistances of pokemon will still apply in the game, but turn based way of combat will be annexed from the game. It will be fought in real time. When you send out a pokemon, you will switch from controlling your trainer, to your pokemon(camera now follows your pokemon, you control him). There will be a menu for your attacks that with all options present: attacks, items, switch to your other pokemon, and a forfeit(retreat if being attacked by wild pokemon). The ammount of attacks your pokemon can know will still be limited, but instead of 4 it will now be 5 or 6(gain special rare items that can increase the amount of moves it can learn). There will be charge timers for certain attacks, but otherwise it will be click and use the move you want. Certain moves such as Hyper Beam will need a waiting period before you use it again, and in the meantime you may only use defensive techniques, but they will not be as effective during the re/charge state of your pokemon. A dodge or sprint button will be implicated, which will have a guage on it that slowly recharges itself, so that the technique will not be spammed. This will help your pokemon land a physical attack, or dodge an attack. Sprint/dodge will be increased(faster) based on the stats of the pokemon speed/evasion; based on the pokemon itself the dodge/sprint technique may be able to be used more in one gauge or recharge faster than other pokemon. Using an item on your pokemon(or the opponents) will also put a small timer up before you can attack again. When battling you will also no longer be able to see the enemy pokemons health; only yours, you will only be able to judge how weak it is by real time damage you do to it. If a pokemon is knocked out to -20%, it will have to be taken to the poke'center for immediate healing within a short period of time or else it will die. Your starter pokemon will have this increased to -50% to help ensure you always have a pokemon.
Pokemon that battle in certain areas may also gain advantages or disadvantages. Water pokemon will get attack and speed increases if they are fighting in water for example or a fire type will slowly have its health drained or its defense lowered if fighting in water/wet area. Certain skills a pokemon have such as flying will have a gauge that gives them a certain amount of time to be in the air. A bird type pokemon will be allowed to spend the most time in the air allowing it to be able to dodge physical attacks from pokemon on the ground, but a heavy dragon type may only be able to fly and evade attacks for a shorter period of time(a minute maybe) before it has to rest on the ground and recharge it stamina.
The way you find pokemon will be completely redone. No more random encounters, you will be able to see all the pokemon wandering around the world, all different types found in different locations you would expect to find them, and some places they overlap with eachother doing their normal behaviors in the open world. You will find fire types near volcanoes, mountains or in tunnels with lava flowing through them, but you may also find some in other areas near thoses. For example, lets say theres a big plain not to far from a valcano. Charizards might fly down from to it and hunt pokemon found in the plains. So you can find them there rarely. Also The more highly evolved pokemon the rarer it is, also some will just be plain out right harder to find then others period. All of them will have different levels, though the weaker levels will be more common than the higher. Pokemon will also, depending on theyre behavior/agressivness attack you in the wild. so be ready to throw out one of your pokemon if they do. For example: get to close to a herd of Taurus and they might stampede you, or a getting to close to another pokemon with its baby will cause it to attack you. Other pokemon will merely pass by you like nothing, or hide and run from you.
If a pokemon does attack you or you attack it, you may try an catch it(poke'ball) when its obvious its getting very weak, it might get a limp, impplying a broken leg(which you will have to take to the pokecenter to have healed) or it gets knocked out. Knocking it out will then have a 50/50 chance of the pokemon either dying or giving you a free chance to catch with a 100% ball capture rate no matter what level ball(poke, great, ultra) or the pokemons level. If you dont want to risk killing it, you will have to use better balls(for the stronger pokemon) which are more expensive, while you carefully make sure you get it weakened without killing it.
Towns will opereate much like anyother MMO, the crowded hub-bub where most players are found. Gyms are located in them or near them. Defeating a Gym leader will not only get you a badge and level up your pokemon but they may also allow you to use certain skills(aswell as give you some) and get items, money. In the towns You may also heal your pokemon at poke-centers, trade your pokemon and items with the players or go to the market to stock up on potions, pokeballs, and other usefull items. Also get quest and items from citizens found in the citys/towns. Certain towns may have certain types of special events going on in them that reward you with rare items(master balls, rare candy, evolutionary stones, etc.)
So ya, my thoughts on it. I'm thinking of submitting it to Nintendo or Gamefreak who make the games, or to some gaming sites like IGN or Gamespot to see if they make an article on it to get the idea some recognition. Whats your thoughts on it? Anythings to add?
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