After being a fan of Baldur's Gate, Elder Scrolls, Neverwinter Nights, the Witcher, Planescape: Torment and some other great RPGs on the PC, I got quite snobbish and comfortable thinking I knew what an RPG ought to be.
Then I play a game called Persona 4 and it blows away my entire understanding of the genre. I still have not played much of the FF games, however, Persona 4 caught me off guard and after sucking 80 or so hours (and counting) from my life, I still really like it.
So here I was spending thousands of dollars on gaming rigs when I could have bought a used PS2 all along and enjoyed some great RPGs...who knew?
Anyway, I apologize if the Answers are not clean-cut, so I expect a few "write-ins".
Also, I think there should be a way of weighting each vote based on how many different RPGs each voter has played...a vote from me for Planescape did not mean as much until after I had played Persona 4.
But I'm not sure how to do that unless people just write some comments about what types of RPGs they have played and what they like/dislike about each type, or series, or "tradition". Thanks.
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