I think many people on GameSpot and other websites similar to GameSpot do not like PlayStation Home; with the exception of the PlayStation forums etc. I had mainly bad experiences on PlayStation Home, as I could not express myself and dealt mainly with rude people or males who only wanted to communicate with someone, if they were a female or should I say, a real female. Had I been smart years ago, I would have bought a more powerful computer instead of a PS3 and used The Sims 3 instead of PlayStation Home; then I would not have had to deal with the constant non-acceptance I endured for being male, but preferring to use a female avatar on such an inferior type service to begin with.
People were constantly trying to make me look like the bad guy, but they were the ones not being accepting and I did not expect them to be accepting due to their beliefs. The only thing I could do is learn my lesson in time and accept the fact I lost the money I put into the service; which I would have probably lost anyways. I got to the point now, where I could never go back to PlayStation Home and I be better off getting the The Sims 4 in my specific situation.
I have not been on PlayStation Home since they made that update a little before Sony closed the PlayStation Network down temporarily in 2011, due to the breach. Once Sony reopened the PlayStation Network and tried to restore it gradually, I never got a chance to go back to PlayStation Home as at that point I was not willing to and I ended up getting rid of my PS3 a little after that; reasons not relating to the breach.
Other than the negative stuff, PlayStation Home was good in some way.
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