PS1, although i never had a preference, really. My dad chose to buy consoles for me, i never really asked for them. But i DEFINITELY appreciated it. My dad is awesome. Lots of father/son co-op gaming like Double Dragon, Final Fight, etc. Great times. He finally stopped buying me consoles after the ps2 and xbox, which is actually when he decided HE was too old to play them.
Yes, as a single child i was hella spoiled.But he didn't buy consoles at launch, or even near launch. He waited til over a year ormore after launch, when the prices dropped (and when used ones were available). The only console i bought for myself was a used N64, which i got about 6 yrs ago. Only wanted it for 3 games - Perfect Dark, Wrestlemania 2000, and Conker's Bad Fur Day. Bought my wife a Wii, so technically it wasn't for myself. I purchased a PS3 but that was with gift money, and that was just 2 months ago (the tradition of not buying consoles anywhere near launch continues!).
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