It's quite unbelieveable that this isnt getting much coverage anywhere except for neogaf and bethesda's official forums. Eurogamer's Digital Foundry just ran this piece comparing the game's performance pre and post patch, and it isn't pretty.
These prolonged bouts of stuttering render the game almost completely unplayable, even during non-intensive walks down pathways, with some freezes lasting long enough to drag the frame-rate down to zero in places - the first time we've seen this in years of performance analysis here at Digital Foundry.EurogamerThe vids at the link clearly show how awful it is for save files with over 65 hours played. It's clear Bethesda did not test the PS3 version, and the reviewers did not review the PS3 version. There are opinions, and then there is lying about cold hard facts. Gamespot, IGN and every other website who reviewed the PS3 version and neglected to mention these game breaking bugs ought to be ashamed of themselves.
So has the new patch improved performance? Yes, it has benefited, with the aforementioned 20FPS baseline being raised to something closer to 25 on average. However, the root cause of the stuttering - whatever it may be - is still there and the potential for zero frame refreshes per second is still a possibility, leading to some very unwieldy controller response and an extremely poor gameplay experience in general. To all intents and purposes, this updated version of Skyrim on PS3 is still unplayable for those with a huge time investment in the game - unless you're only willing to play Skyrim in half-hour bursts, saving and restarting the game. Hardly ideal. Eurogamer
Even this new patch hasn't improved things a whole lot. I'm sure the game will be patched, bnut the question remains, how did Bethesda ship something so broken and got away with it?
Also, this was in the patch notes:
"improves occasional performance issues resulting from long term play".
Occasional, lol.
Full analysis and vids here.
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