few things for you to consider:
what do your friends game on? are you interested in playing online with them?
pc games are considerably cheaper than console games so once you're up and running with a pc it'll cost you less to game, and the ps4 catalogue of games is just a drop in the ocean to what's available for the pc. there are plenty of exclusives for both so you need to think about which appeal to you the most.
for your budget you should be able to get a modest gaming pc but it won't be a powerhouse. if you also need to buy a monitor too then that'll drop your specs further and you're looking at a pc that on paper could still be technically superior to the ps4 / xbone but that performance on a game per game can't always be guaranteed, like it will be on consoles. you can always upgrade at a later time to improve performance of course.
maintaining a gaming pc takes work. drivers need updating, fixes / patches for games need finding, you'll have to deal with clashes and conflicts in software and you will reach a stage in a few years when you can no longer run the latest games at the settings you're used to, meaning you'll need to upgrade. you won't have that problem with a console but by choosing a console you'll lose the ability to customise and configure games to the nth degree, plus all the wonderful benefits of pc gaming - free online, mods, huge back catalogue, higher resolutions, better looking games etc.
so ultimately it comes down to what's most important to you
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