Hi, I will explain my situattion. I bought a PS4 a bit over a year ago but i didn't really played with it since there is no good game for it yet or still not enought. I have a Nintendo 64 and a wii and me and my friend have a lot of fun playing Super smash 64 and brawl and mario kart. I play those console more than my PS4. So recently i was thinking of getting a Wii U. The only problem is I can'T have both PS4 and wii U (budget problem) so i would have to sell my PS4. I have been playing on my laptop more recently this year on game like hearstone and Dota 2 or on my wii and nin 64. I almost never touch my ps4 since like 6 month ....
Wii U
pro : SSB ( + online SSB) and mario kart 8 for great fun with my friends and maybe play the new zelda because zelda game are awsome. I could even get ocarina of time and majora mask with the Wii U.
con: not much futur after those game and i could still just keep playing on the wii or nin 64
pro:this year there will be bloodborn, planetside 2, witcher 3 and uncharted 4 that will come out that seems fun. It have a brighter future than wii u.
Con: i don't care that much of those game there is not really a game this year that really make me want to play. I feel like i could pass on all those and not have much regret. Unlike if it was Mass effect 4 that i just couldn't pass over. SSB 4 on the otherside this year i really want to play it but it is a good enought reason to sell the PS4.
So did i miss something ? What are your though ? what should i do ? I really need some gamers opinion on that !
thanks a lot for your help it is really appreciated.
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