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to be honest, I've never owned an actual handheld unit!
the closest I've come to handheld gamingwas buying the GBA Player attachment for the bottom of my GameCube.
I already liked the NGC's game library, but being able to add the likes of..... be played on my NGC was a great and welcomed feature.
same here, the backlit model FTW![QUOTE="Masamune_Wolf"]
Gameboy Advance SP. That's it for me!:)
Agreed, the greatest handheld of all-time. My list:
I still haven't played an Atari Lynx or a Neo Geo Pocket Color, so I can't really put those in my list.
1. Psp 2. Gameboy Color 3. GBA 4. Cellphone (yes a handheld technically in my view).
I want to get a 3DS and Vita at some point.
Consoles are going to be a disappointment next gen and have more issues I anticipate so I am backing off of them.
Nintendo DS
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Color
I'm leaving the 3DS out of it for now, but if I had to I might put it in between the PSP and the GBA.
The only hand held i ever owned was just sega game gear if we exclude nintendo game watch...well frankly i like playing games on Big screen
The best so far IMO is the Nintendo DS. I can't speak for PSP cuz i've never played one but the concept sounds cool (along with homebrew). It was actually a close one for me between GBA and DS but I choose DS because it can play GBA games aswell. Also, the DS has a large number of RPGs available for it and i love RPGs. The GBA has a good amount too. The only thing i've seen wrong with the DS was that there is SO MUCH FREAKING SHOVELWARE and the dual screen can be gimmicky if the developer does not know how to integrate it properly.
1. GBA--You can argue the DSlite as it can play gba games, but imo it still goes to the gba sp for how durable the unit is. It is exactly what a handheld should be.
2. DSlite
3. Gameboy Pocket
4. Turbo Express
5. 3DS
6. PSP?
For some reason, playing games on a handheld isn't nearly as much as playing games on a home console or PC. There are only a select few games I like for each handheld, those would be games such as Crisis Core, Tales of the World and Pokemon. But here's my list of my favorite handhelds from best to worst:
1. PSP
2. Gameboy Advance SP (Yes, it has to be SP because the original had a dark screen that made it impossible to play without the correct lighting. It gave me a headache.)
3. Gameboy Color
4. Sega Game Gear
That does it for the handhelds I own.
homebrew? not always good. it sometimes kills systems, prevents updates or delete anything you put on the system. the good part is that most systems can play other systems with itThe best so far IMO is the Nintendo DS. I can't speak for PSP cuz i've never played one but the concept sounds cool (along with homebrew). It was actually a close one for me between GBA and DS but I choose DS because it can play GBA games aswell. Also, the DS has a large number of RPGs available for it and i love RPGs. The GBA has a good amount too. The only thing i've seen wrong with the DS was that there is SO MUCH FREAKING SHOVELWARE and the dual screen can be gimmicky if the developer does not know how to integrate it properly.
1. psp
2. gba sp
3. Atari Lynx (I play it nearly as much as my psp and gba sp, but using passwords is a pain, and the library is too small)
4. 3DS (from what i've played at target and bestbuy its nice, but still not many games on it and way too expensive)
5. DS
6. Gamegear
7. Gameboy (i just hate the "black and white" screen)
8. those crappy $10 Tiger handhelds LOL
ive owned them all and i can seriously say
1. most annoying was thegbADV but the best(andthe original brick one)and trying to get in the right light - top games tho (im far too retro to get the sp, i even got the DS JUST because it looks like the game watches i have (yes nintendo . . you ruined it with Lite and ds-i . . . keep it old skool man . . adn the new one has 3d on it . . oh teh noes)
2. game gear - just loved it, some great games and well sonic on the go ( but this thing wasa brick)
3. Atari lynx - apart from it being practically the biggest thing around on earth at the time... seriously . . .i loved it. toki, gates of zedacon, bill and ted . . xenormorph . . .were ace games the problem was they were always £50 a pop and nowhere stocked them and this was well before the time of teh internets.
4. Nokia phone thing Ngage. Had it for about a month and it broke and i just wanted a refund. it wasnt too bad just not that good
5. psp . . .got it on launch . . played it for about 6hrs total. good machine but i think the ds stole the show with the adv backwards compatability
5. psp . . .got it on launch . . played it for about 6hrs total. good machine but i think the ds stole the show with the adv backwards compatabilityrholding2000Well, back from vacation. Anyway, your 5th point isn't valid as the PSP could not have had BC as there was no system before it.
PSP GBA SP GameBoy Honorable mentions would have to be the Super GameBoy for SNES and the GameBoy Player for GameCube.Stinger78Except those aren't handhelds.
They're honorable mentions as they play games from handhelds - not included in my list.Stinger78They are not honorable mentions because they are not HANDHELDS. Last I checked my PS2 can play handheld games too, why not mention that?
[QUOTE="Stinger78"]They're honorable mentions as they play games from handhelds - not included in my list.theJakandsigThey are not honorable mentions because they are not HANDHELDS. Last I checked my PS2 can play handheld games too, why not mention that?
Since when could PS2 play handheld games?
They are not honorable mentions because they are not HANDHELDS. Last I checked my PS2 can play handheld games too, why not mention that?[QUOTE="theJakandsig"][QUOTE="Stinger78"]They're honorable mentions as they play games from handhelds - not included in my list.Emerald_Warrior
Since when could PS2 play handheld games?
He's probably referring to emulators.
[QUOTE="The_Wild_Tiger"]homebrew? not always good. it sometimes kills systems, prevents updates or delete anything you put on the system. the good part is that most systems can play other systems with it It will only screw up if you act idiotically and don't know what you're doing.The best so far IMO is the Nintendo DS. I can't speak for PSP cuz i've never played one but the concept sounds cool (along with homebrew). It was actually a close one for me between GBA and DS but I choose DS because it can play GBA games aswell. Also, the DS has a large number of RPGs available for it and i love RPGs. The GBA has a good amount too. The only thing i've seen wrong with the DS was that there is SO MUCH FREAKING SHOVELWARE and the dual screen can be gimmicky if the developer does not know how to integrate it properly.
[QUOTE="rholding2000"]5. psp . . .got it on launch . . played it for about 6hrs total. good machine but i think the ds stole the show with the adv backwards compatabilitytheJakandsigWell, back from vacation. Anyway, your 5th point isn't valid as the PSP could not have had BC as there was no system before it. Technically most PS1 games can run on PSP - so that would be "backward compatibility" in the sense of a newer Sony system having the capability of playing games from an older Sony system. What I"m curious about is why you're getting so technical or nit-picky about posts other people have made yet you haven't made a post with your own opinions on "ranking your best handheld ever". Why not stick to the topic and let others post their own thoughts?
I'd say GBA SP. As others have stated, it had a charger (yay for no more buying batteries) and it was backlit which was good since I like playing in the dark plus the light for my GBA stopped working after a year anyway.
I'd say GBA SP. As others have stated, it had a charger (yay for no more buying batteries) and it was backlit which was good since I like playing in the dark plus the light for my GBA stopped working after a year anyway.
Batteries aren't really a problem if you have rechargeable ones. But I agree that the backlight makes the SP much better than the original GBA.
The PSP is the greatest system of all time IMO (don't bother asking me why I think so. I can't discuss that here)rawsavonsame reason why thousands of others done to theres. its just plain genius especially with 2 extra hours with certain games and what you can play
The PSP is the greatest system of all time IMO (don't bother asking me why I think so. I can't discuss that here)rawsavon
What if we judge it based off of the TOU? :P
[QUOTE="rawsavon"]The PSP is the greatest system of all time IMO (don't bother asking me why I think so. I can't discuss that here)commonfate
What if we judge it based off of the TOU? :P
It is still pretty damn good...the psp has a good selection + ps1 games + watch movies. It would be second to the DS lite though (which could still play GBA games) Note: that I was not talking about getting free psp games. That does not increase the amount of games you can play...just their cost (or lack there of)GBA SP!! I have a backlit :D
Same for me!
Here is my ranking (and I only play handheld nowdays. I have legacy consoles but I never sit in front of a TV anymore. Just feels too restrictive.
1.) GBA-SP (Backlit)
2.) PSP
3.) GB Color
4.) DS (I have a very small DS library. I just didn't get into this system as much. I find I get very bored with the library,regardless of the massive size)
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