1. Red Faction II-fun campaign, # 1 because I played more splitscreen multiplayer on RFII than any other game ever. Hundreds of hours with my best friend.
2. Killzone-great campaign, awesome original weapons, waves of enemies, & one of the best online multiplayers on PS2.
3. Timesplitters: Future Perfect-this game has everything you could possibly want in a FPS, it'd probably rank higher but I don't own a copy yet, only played w/ friends.
4. Area-51-great graphics for PS2, intense action, perfect pacing, awesome production value all around. It really feels like an epic journey through Area 51 and it encourages you to explore and uncover secrets, which is great. Good online multiplayer and you can still find matches to join.
5. Cold Winter-great writing by Warren Ellis, brutally gory gameplay with dismemberment, awesome real-life weapons, intuitive weapon creation system. Fun splitscreen multiplayer.
*Also, I haven't played Black yet, but I hear it's great.
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