[QUOTE="Dire_Weasel"] She just wanted the complete system working right out of the box, and she was definitely turned off by the multiple SKUs ... she didn't know if "all the games would work with the one she bought".
Graphical differences weren't even a factor. Like many of my non-gamer friends she can't tell the difference between a Dreamcast game and a 360 game. I know, strange, isn't it.
Anyway, $250 to Nintendo (plus some points for Virtual Console), $0 to MS, $0 to Sony. That's how it went.
This is absolutely true -- I've seen it myself dozens of times, both in person and on forums. I've known people who swear (adamantly) that the PS2 was the most powerful system from that generation, and that even when you show them the differences in the visuals and why a Gamecube or Xbox game usually looked better, they still couldn't tell the difference. I've had people say, "What do you mean JAGGIES? I can't see anything jagged!"
This is kind of sad, because just as I feel reviewers are growing out of touch, I feel that the hardcore has grown out of touch in a lot of ways. I know people who won't play games with an erratic framerate. I know people who sneer at anything that runs at less than 60 frames. What about just playing a game for the most pure reason there is -- to have fun?
fun (fn)
1. A source of enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.
2. Enjoyment; amusement: have fun at the beach.
3. Playful, often noisy, activity.
intr.v. funned, fun·ning, funs Informal
To behave playfully; joke.
adj. Informal
Enjoyable; amusing: "You're a real fun guy" Margaret Truman.
So in the sense of games, for some people this might be awesome graphix, for somepeople it's gameplay, for some people it's playing with there friends, for some people it's competitive play, etc, etc. Whats fun for you might not be fun for others. People who want to play competitive, want better framerates and smoother gameplay is these games are about a micro fraction of a inch between a headshot or a miss. I like deep strategy games myself, where you have to use your head and anticipate on your opponent, i don't care at all about the graphix or framerate. It's just less importand, i used to play counterstrike on a semi pro level, i did anything to increase my framerate and ping.
Thats the difference between casual gamers and hardcore gamers. In short, Casual gamer like easy gameplay and nice graphics. Hardcore gamers care about the gameplay and how the game runs. No offense to any of these groups.
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