I don't think you can worry too much about it. If you get something like 10 negative, and no positive then maybe you should start looking at what you put that would bring that on.
I know for one I look at games quite differently than others. Alot of diverse players of games in many ways out there.
I know I hit some things others never consider at all. Example of this would be like online play. Even if a game is considered awesome,I would list something like you get knocked off you mount constantly if it made game play bad. Or better yet, development teams activity in game fixes etc, and if it caused a devastating result to game play. Examples like this should not be avoided even in a awesome game, if the mechanics are fine, but these things cause issues. Anything like this though is definitely going to have opposite views to it.
Though most real poor reviews almost automatically get some negative thumbs, if you explain why, a reader will get that knowledge of something to look out for. Fans though will still hit ya up. I am just as guilty, many times I look at the most poor ratings to find out why? The explanation is it has bad graphics or wow is better etc. I will thumbs down it myself for a waste of time.
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