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I hope they do FPS reviews need to be comared to other FPS on the market, platformers to platformers and so on. It real hard to say where these reviewers come up with thier scores. I do know thier are some reviewers out there that will give a game an unfair review if it isnt a FPS and thats a ton of crap
Halo 3 a 10/10? I didn't see that one coming....... (end of sarcasm)
Even if you took all the "best" games of each genre people would still disagree on what game is better and which one is more deserving of the 10/10.
I wish they would just go to a association format, such using words and not numbers to describe the game.
Example: Poor, Average, Good, Great, Excellent
I think it was Game Pro who used this method a little, but I think they still used numbers in their reviews too.
Maybe break it up into two categories when you have multi-player/on-line options. Example: Single Player Game : Good, Multi-player Game: Excellent, and then describe the pros and cons of each. But what ever it all really doesn't matter in the end anyways right, just ask the guys who loved Star Wars Revenge of the Sith game.
Meh I love jrpg (although the last one I played was FFXII and a bit rubbish) and to be honest reviews differ hugely because if you can get into the story you will love it, if not (and I realise a lot of people just can't) then you completely miss the point and dislike the game. Its probably for this reason I have learned to read between the lines with reviews and ignore scores as much as possible, after all surely I am a better judge of what I would potentially like than a number designated by a stranger.
So back to your point, yes I agree that comparisons in that genre can help somewhat because if I enjoyed game X a comparison to it will let me know the chance I will enjoy the game being reviewed.
You can't say that reviews are unfair simply because they are not in line with your own opinions. However, I do agree with one point you may have alluded to: it's very difficult and unwise to use gamescores to compare games to each other. They're not intended to be used that way. And saying game A is better than game B because it scored 0.1 points higher at a review site is just foolish. sonicare
You got it. The review is for the game not the comparison.
So I got this Idea the other day. Why do people always compare games to one another. For example, people on the xbox forums ask which is better COD4 or Assassins Creed? Well, the answer is they are 2 different games. Reviews do the same thing. For example, they gave HALO 3 a 10/10 and Mario Galaxy 9.5/10. Ones a FPS obviously the other is a Platformer. I just wanna say one thing, If Mario Galaxy is the Best platform game of all time don't you think it deserves a 10 as well. The problems with reviews is they need to compare games to other games in the same genre and base thier ratings off of that. That way its a fair review. Halo 3 in my opinion did not deserve a 10 in a market that is crowded with FPS'.I know there had to be alot of fanboyism towards Halo cause it got better ratings than COD4 which is a much better game with a way deeper multiplayer. So heres my challenge to all you game reviewers: Rate your games according to the genre that they are in compared to rating it aginst everything else. That way its a more accurate review and way more fare as well. schwabdizzle
Never trust any review from a magazine if it is only for 1 system. there is a 99% chance that said magazine is run by a bunch of fanboys.
In general, I think that reviews do reflect the games fairly, as even someone writing a review for an FPS, even if they don't like FPSs in general, can tell if the specific example is a good one or not. Don't get obsessed with metacritic or equivalent, as an EDGE 7 doesn't necessarily mean the same as a gamesmaster 7.
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