So I have recently completed Suikoden(unfortunately didn't go for all 108 stars, will probably do that on a second pass) and I ended up really loving it's style. It was a bit short in comparison to other JRPGS, but I ended up really enjoying it's "No Filler" gameplay. The entire game and all of the events contained within it felt meaningful and essential to the plot. You can't say this about many JRPG's (I'm looking at your Honey Bee Inn minigame FFVII....). Regardless, I am definitely planning on trying to get my hands on a copy of Suikoden II...whiiiich could be tricky. In the meantime, I really want a JRPG that matches Suikoden's scope and gameplay style. I basically prefer my content to far outbalance filler. The RPGs named can be on really any console, but PS1, PSP, DS, and SNES are the main consoles that I have immediate access to. Modern consoles can be added to that, but I can't think of many that fit this style anyways.
Thanks for reading and I hope to hear some good recommendations.
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