I think anybody who calls themselves a gamer has tried at last one good spooky game, be it the more softhearted Resident Evil series, to the downright disturbing horrors like Fatal Frame. So I ask, what do you think the scariest, or some of the the scariest, games are? For me:
-Fatal Frame 2.I coud onlyget ahold of this one, itjust TRIES to make you wet yourselfanyway it can!Distrubing ghosts, insane screen dostortions, thecutscenes are scarier than the gameplay attimes!Petrifying this one...
-Silent Hillseries... Ohhow I love thee disturbing monsters, horrifying enviroments, eerie ideologies, spooky sound effects, and generally frightening takes on humanity in general. No game can get in your head like the Silent Hill series, particularily 2 and 3. Wow.
-Sonic Spinball. Of course this one would be on the list. Some of the best scares can come from, pain, and sometimes what you see from a distance that makes it even scarier. Remember the nuke in Call of Duty? You didn't even see anyone dying considering the camera, but you knew what was occuring just watching it. Spinball took this to a higher degree, you as Sonic are attempting to save your animal allies from mutation by attempting to destroy the hellish labrynth build by the demented Doctor Robotnik. What is most frightening is when you blow it up! Imagine the toxic clouds of pollution spreading about the sea, poisoning water, and eventually reaching islands of innocent creatures galore. In the end, even if you succeed, you are only hurting the creatures you are trying to save... Plus look at how Sonic moves, spinning thousands of miles per hour, smashing brutally against walls, spikes, only to be shot back up again by the cold, soul-less paddles... All the suffering he endures just to save the ones he loves. Inspiring and terrifying, I don't think any game has ever acheived a combination of both quite as perfectly.
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