as they say in mma it was pound for pound the best system ever released. no better hardware could've been acquired for the prize of the dreamcast. also it had quantity/quality wise the best game library on any console. also it was the biggest step graphically ever in any new generation of consoles. the dreamcast leap over psx/n64 and saturn was crazy. I will never forget and neither will anyone who had one back then of how amazing it lookded. I remember reports from people at tokyo game sow 99 after a demo release of shenmue and journalists just said this can't be in game graphics what we saw.
I disagree with the bold. I think the graphical jump from SNES to N64 was much bigger than from Saturn to Dreamcast. Just compare Super Mario World graphics with Super Mario 64 graphics. Even if we include Donkey Kong Country and Star Fox, the jump from SNES to N64 was still huge, and not just in a graphical way.
I do agree, however, that Dreamcast was the first console with actually pretty 3D graphics. There were some good attempts on the 5th gen consoles, but it was the DC that really showed what modern consoles could do
there was never a jump from snes to n64. before that we had 3do,psx and saturn and 2 years later n64. the graphical jump from snes to psx/saturn was huge, but not as huge as psx/saturn n64 to dreamcast imo. the dreamcast was the first console on which you would have trouble to see whether it was real or game. maybe seem laughable today bit it was back then.
to me it was the first and only generation switch in which your jaw would be attached to the floor for months. dreamcast surpassed in terms of graphics any high end pc at that time. I remember an interview with yuji naka asking him wether there would be a pc port of sonic adventure and he said no, no pc can handle these kind of graphics yet. nec graphics chip was better than anything voodoo could do at that time.
The jump from 16-bit console to 32 and 64-bit ones was bigger because it was the jump from 2D to 3D. So yeah, there were a few 3D games on the 16-bit consoles too, but they were all very simple and slow. Mario 64 was a small revolution when it came out. Sonic Adventure could have worked on the Saturn too if they used less polygons while Mario 64 would be simply too much for any 16-bit console.
It's also not true that PC couldn't compete with Dreamcast. A high-end PC from 1999 could produce better graphics than Dreamcast.
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