Wow...let me take back.....back in da dayz. LOL :P
Well can say it started for me back in about '85 or so between going to arcades playin Pac-Man and stuff, then one of my cousin's got an Atari and we played stuff like E,T. and Custard's Last Stand ( I never realized how tacky lewd that game was, lol, I think my cousins did--they were boys after all). Then I remember a few years later when my mom & dad used to go over his best friends house, his kids (which were a bit older than me) got the NES and we played Duck Hunt & Super Mario Bros.
Geez, I was so hooked, begged by mom & dad to get me one! I never for get my 7/8 birthday THEY DID! One of my dearest memories was me, my mom (which never gamed), and dad playing Duck Hunt together. :)
Nobody can take that away from me....25+ yrs later that's why I'm the gamer I am.
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