I too think that it depends on what are your tastes of playing games. If
you have a good budget, and want an out of the world gaming experience in
addition to blu-ray movie watching experience, PS3 is the way to go. But
if you want to select games from a selection of more than 2000 gaming
titles, with somewhat lesser quality graphics, then you can opt for PS2
which is available at almost nothing. If you wait for PS3, maybe you will
get a slimmer one, with a price cut most probably and backwards PS2
compatibility as well! But man, personally I would advise you to wait
till GOD OF WAR III is released. Because that is one game, which will
shoot the PS3 sales like anything and you may regret buying PS2 at that
time. Moreover, you will regret buying a PS2 with every gaming title
released on PS3. PS3 is the future, no doubt PS2 is a legend in gaming
world and no one can question its legacy over other gaming platforms of
its time. And for those who say there are no good titles on PS3, they are
really very wrong. PS3 has many titles which have been the bestsellers,
like MGS4,GTAIV, to name a few. I can jot down the entire list. But any
game will look much better on PS3 than a PS2. It will be worth the money.
But if I were having your gamepad in my hand, I would wait for PS3 till
God of war III arrived before hitting the START button!
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