ya i know the answer seems obvious. i should totally go for the 360. the problem is that i'm at a stage in my life (16) where the value of a dollar is much higher and i have more expenses to think about (a car, college) before i can satisfy my needs for video games. i havent found much luck getting a job either. i was thinking to myself today, should i just forget the current gen all together (360) and wait for the next one while i buy a used xbox? the graphics jump isnt what i hoped for, and the original xbox has plenty of HD compatible games anyway with dolby digital surround. not to mention really good games for less than $10 at gamestop.
i'm a very confused gamer right now. i should mention though that i've been sitting through the last gen playing my dreamcast and watching my gamecube collect dust. should i get an xbox and play the original forza and other games i missed like ninja gaiden, halo 2, 2007 sports games, etc.? or.... should i save up any money i can, ignoring my other interests, and get a 360? i know i make this sound one sided but i need convincing. thanks if you read all of this.
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