Well there is a pretty bad flaw to that way of doing things.
First, what is a "completed" game? Is that 100% completion, main storyline completion, or sugested sidequests completed? For example, if you want 100% completion I should not be able to review Saint's Row 2 because I haven't done every little side mission? If you want just main storyline games like Final Fantasy would be stripped of important and sometimes highly enjoyable sidequests. Is Chrono Trigger completed after one play through or after you get all the items, weapons and endings?
Second, what about sports games? There is no "completion" for those games. I can finish a single game, or a single season, or a single franchise, but the experience will change depending on the team.
Third, what about MMORPG's? Can you complete WoW or Everquest? Certainly not, and even if you use the criteria of main storyline there are different classes and whatnot. So by the "completed" standard, no one should be able to review a MMORPG right? What about a game like Animal Crossing?
Last, it's just not how things are done. If a game needed to be complete to be reviewed magazines would never get reviews out on time. If you get a game that has 50+ hours of gameplay you are already behind a week when you get a copy of the game. And that is saying that you spend 40 hours to play it and nothing else. Think of the number of reviewers you would need if you wanted that level of completion to review something. Much less a magazine or site that has multiple editors reviewing the same game. So now you want three to four people reviewing a game that takes 50+ hours to complete, that's a lot of wasted play time don't you think?
So all of that being said, I think that if you are looking for completion to be the standard for review that you are looking at reviews for the wrong reason. I want a review to tell me how the game plays, how it looks and how it feels, what I should expect from a game if I want to play it, not hey I beat it and this is what I think. Remember, a review is just one person's opinion, it should be there to tell you what to expect while playing (controls, graphics, sound), not what the game is totally about.
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