What do some of you Saturn goers think it'll end at assuming it actually does sell? The owner's put a high reserve in order to hold onto it while gauging interest and awareness it seems. Thanks to word of its existence floating around on GameSpot, DToid, and several other game-oriented sites, he's likely got a lot of free advertising for this moment.
The auction is taking place over at GameGavel, easily found by the extremely niche category "Sega Pluto", which it alone owns.
(You can visit the auction from there if you want, couldn't recall if there was any policy around here against direct linking to auction, commercial things etc. or not...)
For those that haven't heard or seen it the Pluto was a prototype Saturn with Netlink capabilities built in from the start, bringing it more in-line with its successor the Dreamcast, which shipped with modem piece installed from the start.
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