Don't get me wrong, I'm a hardcore gamer all the way. I play FPS, Racing, RPG, Action, Adventure, and Military Sims. But the one thing I'm so goddamned sick of nowadays is the fact that it seems like every FPS I play online has to have some sort of BS leveling or RPG-style ranking system. Whatever happened to the good old days? I probably spend more time playing Day of Defeat and Battlefield 1942 on PC than any other FPSs' online, simple because those were truly fun to me. You join, pick a side, capture points, secure objectives, etc. Now I tried the same thing when playing Lost Planet, and I join servers where all the players are Japanese and at "Level 99". Granted, only a few hardcore players still play that one, but I'm just sick of this recent trend that FPS games have got. I mean, it's not as if it's a feature of some games, but most if not ALL seem to have this pointless RPG-style ranking system to them. If I wanted game rankings, I play on ranked servers.
This is such bulls.............
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