Hello everyone,
I really like video games arcade 2D game mechanics. And I would like to ask you about this and other topics related to video games.
Some time ago, in the first breakthrough on Mortal Kombat 9 lei in a magazine On-line videojuegs, "The new Mortal Kombat erased at a stroke many of the innovations of the last decade. It still using three-dimensional graphics, but the gameplay will be 2D the displacement is just across the stage to corner the enemy and avoid the "magic";. the new Mortal Kombat, limits the scan to a single plane Thus, fighting increased in accuracy and speed, and jumps back. -one regain leadership of the movement more generally 3D- harmed in the fight. "
1- Reading an article about Ghost \ 'n Goblins, he explained, that \' \ 'With the arrival of the generation \' on the 32-bit market, there was the implantation \ 'final on the three dimensions in the world videogame. The vast majority of the most successful franchises in the 2D era, had many problems to adapt to new times. Many of them stayed on the road for several reasons, among which certainly was located, little or no success they had, to move their mechanical to three dimensions. \ '\'
Why this was so.?
The ark games, they were not ready then, 1995, for passage of 2D, 3D to the new mechanics.
But what now? .What Is your current situation.?
Do all arcade games can go from 2D game mechanics to other 3D artists and developers if they know that things change, and things do not.?
Why the contrary, there genres 2D mechanical born to play, that over the three dimensions, irretrievably lose its essence.? ? What might those genres of video games.?
Do 2D mechanical games are less playable than 3D mechanics, to be more limited and less spectacular, deep and immersive.?
Is this the retro fashion.?
You can be right reportage \ 'Heirs another dimension \ "about the lack of a control interface for 3D games, and the timing of the 2D games? http://www.pixfans.com/herederos-de-otra-dimension/
I also read that \ '\' In 1995, with the advent of 32-bit consoles and final implementation of the polygonal environments, there was a great change in the way of playing games. 3D games, are clearly imposed on developing classic games in 2D. The cause is none other than commercial. 3D games sell much more than the 2D games, the public prefers the former, rather than the latter, for reasons such as greater immersion in them. However, 2D games, still survive despite having already been nearly two decades after the aforementioned change. \ '\'
Why this is so.?
This is curious, all this, now with the advent of systems more immersive viewing or immersive games such as Virtual Reality, because some people in game forums, argue that "Immersion is not the main thing in a game for me or for most players. You just have to see the success of Breakout, Pacman, Tetris and Angry Birds now well above the games more immersive trying to get, say Dead Space for example.
RV + first person is not the future, in the sense that it will be predominant, is a part of the future. "
It is also curious that while some people argue that the mechanics of 3D game, has only brought real news, a few genres.
_Simulators (As Flight Simulator)
_ Exploration Aventure (as Tomb Raider, Outcast,)
_ FPS / TPS (to Silent Wire, Metal Gear, Blofestein Half Life, a real, ...)
_ Racing games road vehicle drive. As Forza, Ned for Speed, Collin Mc Rae, ...
While other perons not think so. Hence the questions, I do it in this topic.
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