I heard from a guy that Battlestations: Midway was a very fun flight-sim. Usually I don't like flight-sims very much but he mentioned that in the game you aren't limited to only planes and could use ships and submarines and stuff like that. This kinda intrigued me, but what really caught my attention was when he said that the game had some RTS elements in it. So I went and checked Wikipedia, but sadly Wikipedia was lacking in info so I turned to Plan B: Ask the Gamespot community. Basically all I'm wondering is "What are the RTS element's like in the game?" Also, how does the game compare to it's sequel Battlestations: Pacific? Plus, do either of the games have a free-play mode where I can just pick a map and a faction to play as and go at it all my own way without any story-based mission objectives to get in my way?
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