i have to admit it, after over this past decade fps have become a strong genre for gamers. but i noticed one thing. as a new fps comes along we abandon the old one. for instance, once people started playing call of duty 4 people stopped playing halo 3. I mean people still play it but its not as much as it used to be. then theres the people that talk about how great halo is and then they stab in the back and dont play it ever again. thats the problem with fps. you keep switching games, while rpgs and adventures games etc.are remembered and played for ages, i dont stop playing devil may cry cuz i think god of war is better, i dont play only one final fantasy, i play them all. while fps are great people dont play them as we switch alot. dont get me wrong i dont hate fps, but im sick and tired of paying another 60 bucks just because everyone else switches. and im sick and tired of seeing all the fps that comes out. i think this is why some gamers wreck on fps. what are your thoughts?
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