So I've been searching through the forums for something related to this but I can't find anything. Now I've only played Guitar Hero with maybe 8 other people. I'm just a casual gamer. Anyhow, there's something trippy that happens after I play a song on Guitar Hero, because when I look down for just a moment any object I focus on just stretches up and down. Now I believe this is just a trick of the mind, and everytime I point this out to someone else I play with they see the same exact things. All of reality just warps around and bends and it's really trippy. I love seeing people's reactions the first time they realize this effect. Now I've never read anything about this in any forums so I don't know if other people realize this, but I'd have to think you guys who play the game would. Could someone enlighten me? Anybody else know what I'm talking about here?
I'm don't know much about neuroscience, so this is just my uneducated opinion, but I assume this effect is at least partially caused because your eyes have adjusted to looking at the "stretching" fret board on the screen, and when you look away, stuff stretches momentarily as your eyes try to re-adjust. I've probably noticed a similar thing (stuff seems to move slightly after playing the game for a while), but the fact that it lasts for maybe a minute at most after playing makes me think that it's just the eyes and brain adjusting back to "normal."
Just an optical illusion from looking at the scrolling screen for long periods of time. It's like those pictures they have on the internet that look like nothing, but if you stare at them long enough and then look somewhere else you will see an image. Just a trick. I've noticed the same thing after playing Guitar Hero though.
I play GHIII on my bigscreen constantly. Everyone I play with experiences the same thing. It is a form of hallucination caused when you focus on the moving guitar frets coupled with all of the flashing lights. It isn't hurting you, just enjoy it ;)
This happens to me alot when i play guitar hero. It's an illusion, since you've been watching bright lights come down from the screen over and over again. You're eyes will see things expand and stuff, don't worry about it. Just don't play the game for 30 minutes, then your eyes should be back to normal.
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