Rare had this philosophy of "pushing the hardware to the max" hence their games looked better than anything else on the system but the price were choppy, inconsistent framerates.
Same goes for both Zelda games which were capped at 20 fps which is playlable but not exactly smooth.
Going from the SNES where most games ran silky-smooth (except the Super FX games which were slow and choppy) it was a bit of a cold shower for me when I noticed how inconsistent the framerates in some of the most graphically intensive (and the crappily coded ones too) games were but I never considered them unplaylable because of it. (I can see why some, especially newer generation, gamers, would think so, though)
The framerate issues were simply a matter of console limitations at the time but not so much because of lack of power (because the N64 did have a better CPU, GPU and RAM than PS1 and Saturn had) but various hardware and software bottlenecks which limited the overall performance of the machine.
Although games like PD, Majora and Conker are pretty much pushing the system to the limits and I don't think it could be pushed past that. (maybe if Conker would use the memory expansion but that's about it)
Also, it should be noted that the so-called "high-resolution mode" that some games allow if you add the memory expansion also impacts performance.
The best use of that memory expansion was in the games that didn't use it simply for increased resolution but rather increased detail. (i.e. DK64, PD & Majora)
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