If you've never played Final Fantasy XIII before, then, in this one case, go ahead and give it a try, see how you feel about it. But I hate Final Fantasy XIII because it is NOT Final Fantasy. It does not have the usual elements that make it a Final Fantasy game and that's tragic. But if you don't want to play FFXIII and want for something that's a LOT better, then I suggest you play any of the following and they don't have to be in chronological order either, since no game follows each other, except in a few instances, like with Final Fantasy X or XIII, since both have sequels.
Final Fantasy 1
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 10
Notice that I didn't put down VIII, XI, XII, XIII, and XIV. XI and XIV are MMORPGs and should've been called something else, XII plays pretty much like an offline MMO (Not a good decision at all), and both VIII and XIV are again, well, garbage. Neither should be existing at this point, but by all means, don't let my judgment on these games dissuade you. For all I know, you could actually end up loving these titles and that's fine by me. Some love these games, others hate it. So it's up to you really. But the games I mentioned in the middle of my posting...well worth the money!
Edit: If you own a PSP, if you want to play FFIV in its entirety, then pick up the Final Fantasy IV Complete Edition, since it has the main game and the sequel that follows afterwards. I forgot to mention this in my initial thoughts. Sorry!
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