It could be any number of issues. But I think many were able to anticipate the direction Blacklist would be heading. It's a game that cannot make up it's mind. Some great level design and solid pacing give way to predictable and often times degrading action setpieces near the end of every mission. These moments stain what could otherwise be a fantastic stealth game. They added the ability for the player to hide bodies but give no incentive to do so. It's a mechanic put in place to appease fans but fails to understand the reason and necessity behind it. This could be made the case for the entire damn game.
The Paladin was nice in theory but executed poorly. Instead of creating an immersive and seamless gameplay experience it often drags down the space between missions with long loading screens, stereotypical characters who belong in Michael Bay's Transformers movies and repetitive cutscenes interspersed between each mission. A clumsy menu system and no ability to start a new game without deleting your save file and starting fresh. So you're left to guess which levels to play in what order.
It's a game that claims you can play it without ever killing an enemy but forces you to kill any number of enemies over the course of your experience, it just doesn't count those towards your score. Now the scoring system is rather shallow giving you not a rating but points that are transferred into in-game money for the player to spend on upgrades. I don't know how many times they are going to **** this up but stealth games need legitimate ratings systems in place.
Add on the inconsistent and at times poor visuals, bugs and game breaking glitches (I had my save file damaged while playing the final mission which forced me to restart the game even after patches) and you have a fairly poor excuse for a Splinter Cell game. It's a game that tries to appeal to everybody but ends up losing its identity. At least Conviction was consistent in tone and theme.
It's a poor first attempt from Ubisoft Toronto and only further hurts my faith in the series.
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