[QUOTE="Darth_Tigris"] See, here's the problem.
"So why didn't your cousin make the 500 mile trip for your wedding?"
" I don't know. I gave him a bike ..."
S-E completely crippled the 360 by making their big pre-launch announcement be the, at the time, 2 year old FFXI non-enhanced PC port. The 360 doesn't gain acceptance in Japan because you won't put your BIG FANCY NEW FF GAME on it!!! Sure, they have ONE exclusive title coming (that MS actually passed over to them) and the unproven 360/PS3 game, but how are two unknown properties going to convince Japan to even take a look?????????
Japanese developers, as a whole, didn't play fair with the 360 and now sit back and say "not enough games to appeal to Japanese gamers". Well ifYOU would've support it fairly AT THE START, that outcome would've been very, very different.
Now why would they support a system that is a sequel to a failure console with it's first party showing little interest in a region instead of supporting a system that is a sequel to a succesful hardware and it's first party is showing strong interest in the region?
It isn't Japanese developers fault nor Square-Enix, it's Microsofts fault from not having them jump on ship earlier and not grabbing enough quality exclusives or making enough big budget appealing IP's for the country. They seem to do it for the West, but not Japan. Possibly if they took the region more seriously by making more then one big budget appealing game a year and making deals with big Japanese devs to make games for it then the 360 probably would've been more succesful.
As for Final Fantasy defining a systems sales, I think you should take alook at a system called "The Wonderswan".
If you're going to get mad at someone, get mad at Microsoft, because they gave Square-Enix zero reason to make games for their system.
It's the same reason why Western developers, actually almost all developers only made and announced broken games and shovelware for the Wii until recently. It's called business and supporting the 360 in Japan would be sucide considering how the previous system performed, how seriously Microsoft takes the region, and the performence of the 360.
Also Japanese devs did put games on the 360 as multiplatform and they all sold horribly both in Japan and the West. And to wrap it up Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Star Ocean, actually pretty much any big next-gen third party game for Japan isn't announced for any system at all. This is because Japanese developers like to sit and wait, then make their decision to what game goes to what platform judging by market perfromance. With an exception of Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 (who's previous games were always exclusive to the Playstation platform anyway) there were absolutely zero big hitter Japanese games announced. And it wasn't until they waited and saw the performance of all 3 systems did they decide to put Star Ocean 4 on the PS3 and Tales of Symphonia 2 on the Wii. There's nothing to blame here, since the Japanese developers didn't put their big franchises on any next-gen system.
Sony had ZERO console experience with the PS1, but that didn't stop Japanese developers from mainly supporting it OVER the proven Sega and Nintendo.
Oh, and I was never declaring that they should've done anything exclusively for the 360. The specs were close enough on the two systems that they could've done multiplatform. Why? Because, with the likely cost of next gen game development, they should've projected that they'd need as many sales as possible. But instead, they put ALL of their eggs in the PS3 basket.
Microsoft TRIED to court all of these publishers, developers and franchises. They're not idiots. They've repeatedly stated in interviews that there were attempts and they'd still love to have them on the 360. But they were spurned. I'm not saying MS hasn't made mistakes, but please stop blaming them for not convincing Japanese 3rd party devs that agreed to make games for the 360 but not the big franchises.
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