The interview began with Craig Scott who has been trying to stop video game violence ever since his sister was involved in Columbine. He talked about how the 2 view themselves as gamers and that once a gun hit one of them in the nose and he started bleeding, he left because he realized it wasn't a game anymore. Yee was also there and he talked about how there were 2 ways he could pass laws regulating video games.
1. The state can pass the laws.
2. A judge gave Lee a role map that showed that there is a relationship that violent videogames "May" effect kids.
Also Katherine Fallow an attourney for video games mentioned that there is no direct relationship between violent games and kids. The consoles now have parental controls, the ESRB has done in 15 years what took decades for cinema to do in rating content, and that the game industry has been trying to make retailers not sell violent games to kids.
In the end Star says it's up to the parents, because that was how she was raised.
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