I'm going to make this short and sweet.
I'm sick of seeing so many people reviewing games and giving them 10/10. I don't think you understand... 10/10 means the game isperfect. Flawless. Utterly sublime experience. You cannot think of a single flaw in the game. Playing the game made your life better, made your free time playing games better.
Look though the player reviews. Look at how many reviews say things like "A lot of bugs, but once you get around them it's a great game... 10/10". "There are some problems with the balancing, and the graphics aren't that great, but it's a lot of fun... 10/10".
If there's an issue with the game, don't give it 10/10.An issue is an imperfection. 10/10 is perfect.
You do the gaming community a disservice by rating an imperfect game as perfection. It artificially jacks up the game's score. Sit back, think about your experience. How great was it, really? A 7/10 score means a game is good. An 8/10 game is great. A 9/10 is fantastic...
Was it really...perfect?
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