This is a hardcore stealth game. Any comment about combat is hilariously off target. If you find yourself in a combat situation, you failed. Reload and try again. The goal is to avoid combat. That's why this game is best played on Goblin mode where there is no combat, getting in melee range of an enemy that knows you are there is an instant kill.
One huge strength for this game is level design. The best level design we've seen in a stealth game since Thief 2: The Metal Age (2000). Radically far beyond the level design in any Hitman game or any Splinter Cell game. The level design is absolutely incredible. Every situation has multiple solutions, so any complaint that you're too low on Amber to finish the level is inaccurate. You just didn't see the proper solution.
This is a brutally hard game and is not for the casual or the story gamer type. This is for hardcore fans of the stealth genre. This is for those of us that cut our teeth playing games like Tenchu and Thief. This is not for casual fans that think games like Shadow of Mordor or the Batman Arkham games did stealth right. You will only find yourself frustrated.
Also of course this game is repetitive, that's true for 99.99999999999999% of games and does not ever need to be mentioned. Almost all the greatest games ever made have been repetitive, it is part and parcel of the video game medium and is not ever worth mentioning.
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