Hi Guys! I wanted to know your opinion. I currently have an Xbox One X and also had the PS4 Pro. I am now over 30, have a small child and the times and opportunities to gamble are becoming increasingly rare. Still, I don't want to give up my hobby entirely. In the past, the best graphics / technology was always important to me. Meanwhile, however, it is the case that I am sitting with my Xbox on my 1080p monitor because the 4K TV is occupied or I do not want to disturb the little one. I have the Stadia Founder’s Edition and have been very happy so far. So I considered selling the Xbox One X and buying a switch instead. Here you can also play handheld on the couch, or take a walk with your dog, etc. The idea of ​​playing Witcher 3 or Diablo 3 on the go or playing a bit in the evening speaks to me very much. Stadia would still be there for 4k gaming. And when the little one gets older, the Switch is also a family and child-friendly console in the house. Keeping the Xbox and buying a switch is out of the question for me because I don't have time for both systems and I want to focus when I have time to play. What do you think, would a Switch & Stadia be a satisfying combination for me? Are there people with a similar setup and requirements who can tell me about their experiences?
It's not about Stadia, it's about the Nintendo Switch and whether it can meet my needs as an adult with a child. I don't want to give up my hobby, I'm looking for ways to adapt it to my living conditions.
@taller33: I'm moving this to Games Discussion. System Wars is where people intentionally trash other platforms, even when making points that they know are unrealistic. You won't get a good answer there without sifting through a lot of noise
Serious though, who is willingly buying into Stadia? It's this generations N-Gage.
@taller33 said: The idea of ​​playing Witcher 3 or Diablo 3 on the go or playing a bit in the evening speaks to me very much. Stadia would still be there for 4k gaming.
Will it though? I think this is the bigger issue. Google are known to drop products like a bad habit all the time.
Google have already been marketing what they cannot actually feature in Stadia as a "coming soon"; if they will ever as well has proven to be against customers buying into the marketing.
Google was hoping Stadia would compete/or/ dominate the PlayStation and Xbox brands. And has since done very poorly.
You can guarantee Google reps are checking the figures/ profit frequently. And they have to constantly pay for these online servers and maintenance. Whether people are using them or not. When they're so far down, will eventually pull the plug.
Sadly I will give it two years from its release. I imagine many will state "Stadia was still a thing? Who knew".
I don't have time for both systems and I want to focus when I have time to play.
While a good philosophy I myself get behind, think it this way-
Will you be playing when your game crashes from the known server failures?
Dropping to unplayable FPS?
And the above of if Stadia is dropped entirely?
You won't be playing anything if any the three above happens. Sure for the first two could quit and jump back in, however providing the service is already known to be unstable. This would be a common experience for you.
If you want a more in-depth, and honest breakdown on Stadia I've seen this video posted on GFAQ_
I'm more interested in the switch and your opinions on it
Switch is fine, could have a better battery.
Even with the newest model I'm frequently taking my 3DS over Switch, because it lasted both my daily travels. Whether as the Switch does not.
Also probably prefer the 3DS because am finding a lot of the games many rave about on Switch a tad 'shallow'. Not all of them, but quite a few are just inferior to Nintendo past offerings. If you didn't grab a WiiU back in the time? I highly recommend Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and Bayonetta 2. If they're the kind of games that interest you.
Back on a positive note, Super Mario Maker 2. Has its problems with multiplayer, yet a great game. And no Switch library should be without Splatoon 2, it is simply an amazing game! Would even be as bold to state the best Switch only game! Super Smash Bros: Ultimate is an overall solid entry with a ton of content. However terrible online stops this game being better. Which is odd considering Splatoon 2 has pretty good connectivity and Smash is awful. Same applies for Kart 8 Deluxe, which is essentially another WiiU port. I'm not the biggest follower of racing games so I tend to avoid bringing this latter in conversation.
I think Stadia could be a strong contender one day, even if current feelings toward it are a little weak. Sorry you're being criticized for having an opinion that goes against what the humdrum masses think.
The Switch is a decent system, but it still comes with occasional irritations like the systems that preceeded it. There are games worth playing on it, and games that you might be better off finding another way to play. The handheld mode is fun and provided some extra value to older games like Skyrim, which I think runs alright on it.
If you want to save money, there are better values for your buck than the Switch. And surely in 4 or 5 years there will be some successor to the Switch that is more powerful and prettier. I would recommend the Switch mostly if you aren't planning on buying a massive library of games for it, because that will add up. If you want to play some Diablo 3 and Witcher 3, it might suffice.
I must be doing something wrong then, because have over three hundred hours in the Switch version of Makai Senki Disgaea: Refine. A multiplatform game. And it's not alone.
Also the Pro controller is excellent, I use a third party adapter to hook it up with my PS4. Vastly prefer it over the Dualshock 4.
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