So, there was a time when the games industry was OURS, the gamers. We picked the games we wanted to see. Things were on our terms. The market was fair to both us and the producers.
Recently, I've noticed that the producers have been ruling this industry with an iron fist. We don't get much input on anything anymore. It seems like it's been their way or the high way.
Some examples of ways gamers are getting the bad end of the stick:
Online DRM.
DLC that should be a part of the vanilla game.
Paying for multiplayer.
Half-finished games being released.
Games we want to see being delayed to make money off of spin-offs and side stories.
Loved franchises being shamelessly milked.
and many more.
My point here is that we need to take the industry back. We need to get things back on our terms. If you guys will support this, we can make this one heck of a movement. The first step would be to figure out a battle plan. Who's with me?
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