So I just finished up Symphonia for the first time. And yes, it was as amazing as people usually say it is. Problem is, I have no idea which tales game to play next. I own Abyss and Vesperia, and having played about to the halfway point of Abyss (you know the spot), I kinda just lost interest and moved on. Vesperia though, is definitely a contender for my next game to play, if not for one issue. With the upcoming release of Xillia, I really am not sure if I should just wait for that and play through it.
Another thing. I know that there is a sequel to Symphonia on the Wii, but it has pretty mixed opinions towards it. In short, I just want to play a tales game that will not completely suck compared to what I just played. I understand that Symphonia is praised as being one of the best tales games and I want to play a Tales game comparable to it.
Sorry for the rambling nature of this post, and thanks for reading.
EDIT: I forgot to mention Graces F. Not sure how good it is compared to Symphonia, but it is definitely on my list.
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