I was just looking through some of the games that are basically being mentioned as 2008 releases for later this year and I can't help but be impressed on how varied the line up is, particularly compared to last year (which was pretty good with Bioshock, PGR4, Halo 3 and Mass Effect). With Too Human, Alan Wake, Fable 2, Banjo 3, Splinter Cell Conviction, APB, Halo Wars and Gears of War 2, that's pretty impressive. And those are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. There's only one pure shooter in that bunch, and its not even an FPS! They're doing a much better job of mixing things up this year.
What's sorta weird is how the tentative PS3 exclusive lineup for later this year might have less variety than last year for them and less than the 360. With Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, Socom Confrontation, Motorstorm 2, and Resistance 2, there are 3 shooters with 2 of them being FPS. I'm not knocking the lineup, as there are definitely hot titles there. Just ironic that the exclusive lineup is so chock full of game-types that the 360 has been lambasted for.
Regardless, late 2008 looks like a frustratingly fantastic time for a borderline recession-challenged gaming consumer ...
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