50 hours in here. I have experienced 2 bugs where I just reloaded the autosave and everything was okay. I know I've said this on gamespot a couple times now and I know the game is still new and I might be getting wayyyyy too excited or sound like a fanboy, but Fallout 4 is the best game I have ever played. It really is. It has been a long time since I've waken up literally almost every day at 6am to play a game for an hour or two and then get ready for school, come home and play 6-8 hours more before the day is over. I love how they improved many things about the game and kept some things the same.
I was honestly worried at like 20 hours in that there were too many boarded up houses that you cannot walk into (whereas 3 and NV had like most of the buildings you could enter and not too many just sitting there as decorations), but that worry has gone as I'm still finding new places to go to, have roughly 20 quests to do, and many of these new places I just skip so I can come back to during fast travel as I keep going and find even more new places. It is exactly what hooked me about Fallout 3. I love this.
The combat is soo much better now, and honestly that is the only thing I wanted Bethesda to improve. It feels faster, more robust, something like Rage or Doom (and with Bethesda saying how they had id provide help in that department, the similarity is not too far-fetched).
The settlements and weapon mods offer a lot to do to collect junk and use it for building a new glowing sight for a gun or beds, water pumps, power, etc for your settlement. I spent a good amount of time so far on these two new aspects.
Another thing are the quests. As Skyrim was super shallow and not nearly as creative with its quests as Oblivion, I was a little worried that the same kind of thing would happen in Fallout 4, but no. A lot of quests are simply go here and eliminate the raiders and/or bring back a flux capacitor or w/e. But then some quests are neat where you are helping the radio guy regain confidence or you are walking underground with a couple NPCs to blast a hole through to supposedly rob a strongroom above earth. These are unique and fleshed-out in my opinion, and they eliminated the worry I had that Bethesda was getting shallower with its creativity as seen in Skyrim.
Also, the radiation storms and The Glowing Sea!!!! These new additions truly make the wasteland much more horrifying than Bethesda or Obsidian ever did before. The atmosphere gets darker and greener, lightning flashes, you hear strange almost-electrifying sounds ripping through the air. I love it! Very neat how they handled it.
Sure there are bugs, the graphics are not as good as games are today like Witcher 3 and MGSV (although I honestly don't care; people say the same thing for Dark Souls 2 and I played the hell out of that one too), the dialogue Mass Effect wheel was not a great replacement for the old talking system in 3 and NV (I agree with that one), and maybe some other minor things that I can't think about right now. But it is Fallout through and through. I was soooo hyped when they revealed this in June and I'm glad that it lived up to everything I wanted. I think other people that hate this game wanted it to be the second coming of Jesus, so I sorta feel bad for Valve if/when Half-Life 3 comes out. You KNOW people are gonna shit on that one for anything.
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