Computers are getting more and more advanced every day. Some people even say that ever 3 minutes the most advance computer will become more outdated. I just see it as a never ending portal of technology enhancments: Going on, going on, going on... But I'm sure there's something from this, right? We can play even more advanced games with better graphics, sound quality, etc. But I just haven't seen which computer is the best so far that's been released to the public. I've been told iMacs are the best, but however I am still suppisouse about the matter. Which computer can run the best high quality graphics games, and how fast does it exactly go? Is there a gameplay video I can see? Is there an image of what it looks like? And finally (the killer), how much does it cost- total?
Omg, what?! There have been sooo many people who are trying to be the best gaming computer - surely you didn't say iMac as the only one!! Especially because the iMac isn't even the best Mac there is.
I know people will call me a fangirl or whatever, but I thought the HP Blackbird 002 looked the best. Plus, really, it was the first system I saw where you could remove the side panels and easily upgrade (which ansewrs your question about how the most advanced computer will get outdated). I like that computer like the Blackbird 002 lets you upgrade so you DON'T feel like a sucker when you buy a computer and then a new chip comes out.
Apple doesn't even have a removable battery in half their stuff!! I hate how their things get outdated themselves. My new ipod wasn't even backwards compatible w/ my computer. So lame.
But yeah, check it out:
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