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It's between Super Mario World and Super Mario Brothers 3 but I would Super Mario Brothers 3.SSlater413
Yeah. Even Yoshi can't help out in this battle.
Mario is Missing! That was the best Mario game ever. You learn while you play.......:roll:
Actually, I had some fun with this game as a kid. But you couldn't have imagined how mad I was when I got home after renting this game to turn it on and find out it was an educational game. Nothing worse then that.
Seriously though, Super Mario Bros 3 was by far my favorite of the series.
The best 2-d one is Super Mario Bros 3, while the best 3-D is Super mario galaxy
I can't possibly choose between those two though. :(
For me it's a tossup between Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World. However I would probably lean more towards Super Mario World for a couple of reasons.
Personally I found the levels in SMW more memorable compared to SMB3
A ton of levels in SMW have secret exits for you to find which could lead to hidden levels.
SMW has all those different colored Yoshi's in star world which were always fun to get.
The bosses were a little more creative in SMW, instead of constantly getting the magic wand at the end of each world in SMB3.
If you beat all the levels in the Secret World then there's a color and enemy swap. Cool!
But in SMB3 defense, its a little more challenging and was more ground breaking at the time.
For me it's a tossup between Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World. However I would probably lean more towards Super Mario World for a couple of reasons.
Personally I found the levels in SMW more memorable compared to SMB3
A ton of levels in SMW have secret exits for you to find which could lead to hidden levels.
SMW has all those different colored Yoshi's in star world which were always fun to get.
The bosses were a little more creative in SMW, instead of constantly getting the magic wand at the end of each world in SMB3.
If you beat all the levels in the Secret World then there's a color and enemy swap. Cool!
But in SMB3 defense, its a little more challenging and was more ground breaking at the time.
Still, it has no Tanooki suit (Yeah, i know its not much different from the Racoon suit, but Mario looks very cool and turns into a statue), nor the armor that throws hammers :), SMB3 music it's aaaaaaaaawesoooome, i have so much childhood memories with this game and it has tons of levels too and all of them are very fun for me, best Mario ever IMO. SMW and Yoshi's island are very cool too
Still, it has no Tanooki suit (Yeah, i know its not much different from the Racoon suit, but Mario looks very cool and turns into a statue), nor the armor that throws hammers :), SMB3 music it's aaaaaaaaawesoooome, i have so much childhood memories with this game and it has tons of levels too and all of them are very fun for me, best Mario ever IMO. SMW and Yoshi's island are very cool too
Yeah the powerups in SMB3 were way awesome! But I think that another thing that gives SMW the edge over SMB3 was that you had total freedom to go back to any stage you want at any time to replay it again. That part alone made it a little more immersive for me.
[QUOTE="JKusanagi"]Still, it has no Tanooki suit (Yeah, i know its not much different from the Racoon suit, but Mario looks very cool and turns into a statue), nor the armor that throws hammers :), SMB3 music it's aaaaaaaaawesoooome, i have so much childhood memories with this game and it has tons of levels too and all of them are very fun for me, best Mario ever IMO. SMW and Yoshi's island are very cool too
Yeah the powerups in SMB3 were way awesome! But I think that another thing that gives SMW the edge over SMB3 was that you had total freedom to go back to any stage you want at any time to replay it again. That part alone made it a little more immersive for me.
To tell you the truth i'm kinda blinded by the NES, i love that console, you've mentioned some good reasons as to why SMW it's better than SMB3 but the thing is i prefer oldschool gaming over innovation and all that hehe. One of the things i love from NES games is that you can sit and get through the whole game in about an hour or less (once you master it at least, because i can't do that with battletoads...)
To tell you the truth i'm kinda blinded by the NES, i love that console, you've mentioned some good reasons as to why SMW it's better than SMB3 but the thing is i prefer oldschool gaming over innovation and all that hehe. One of the things i love from NES games is that you can sit and get through the whole game in about an hour or less (once you master it at least, because i can't do that with battletoads...)
Hey don't get me wrong I love the NES. It was my first console and it's still hooked up to the t.v to this day! I take good care of it too, but I have an extra 72 pin connector just in case it wants to stop working.
I love going through games like all the Marios, Ninja Gaidens, Contras (just look at my icon), the original LoZ + Adventures of Link and one of my all time favorite games Shadow of the Ninja. But a lot of SMW's innovations just made it a better experience for me (still love SMB3 to death though).
Kind of like how with the original Metroid it was always a pain in the butt to have to get back all your energy and missles every time you entered in a password, but when Super Metroid came around it was just an all around better experience since the technology allowed for saving all that stuff.
Either SMW or SMW2: Yoshi's Island.
To me SMW basically is SMB3, except expanded out and made better in pretty much every way. SMW2 is alot of fun and alot of people often forget aboutit. But its radically different than every mario game that came out before it so I kinda understand why people pass over it. But that game is alot of fun. If you never played it i'd suggest it to anyone.
Super Mario World - hands down!
An incredible game and definately the best use of Mario's trademark universe. It's also the best (only?) use of Yoshi.
Super Mario Sunshine had Yoshi as well.Super Mario World - hands down!
An incredible game and definately the best use of Mario's trademark universe. It's also the best (only?) use of Yoshi.
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