I have these two friends, named Hans and James, and since I hardly ever play World of Warcraft, I gave them both my account information because, you know, I like to spread the love. Anyway, I logged into World of Warcraft today to check my mail, and in the character selection screen, it says my Level 29 Night Elf Warrior is in Orgrimmar.
So I say to myself,"Oh, that must be a glitch, there's no way I could be there,". So I log in and here I am in a tower in Orgrimmar, with most of my armor damaged.
I'm sure you can imagine what my initial reaction was.
Anyway, so I think to myself,"Christ, I need to Hearth myself out of here!" and low and behold, my Hearthstone was thrown out. Oh happy day for me. So I'm currently barelling my ass out of there at the moment. Have any of you been pranked in a game before?
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