Imagine a world where Spider-Man movies could only be watched in select Sony theatres, where Games of Thrones would only air through HBO television sets, or where bored housewives could only read Fifty Shades of Grey on Vintage Books trademarked paper™. Restricting creative content (the software) based on its carrier (the hardware) is the most ludicrous idea in any industry… that is, with the exception of video games.
It’s a good idea from a business point of view. What better way to incite customers than saying “Hey, you want this awesome game? Come and play it on my console and no one else’s.” It’s the kind of low-input, high-output scheme that gives shareholders wet dreams. And shareholders, corporate bigwigs and CEOs should be the only people to be aroused by something like this.
Right now, for the privilege of being able to pay for most of the best games this console cycle, I need to fork out at least $2,000 on separate devices. How is that good for me, the consumer? What other emotion should I feel in this situation other than impotent rage? Well, according to the internet I should be fucking ecstatic that even though I don’t get to play Quantum Break, at least those “Xboners” won’t get to play Uncharted 4. Try as I might, that does not give me much joy. I would very gladly share Uncharted or the Last of Us with Xbox owners if they give me Halo.
Exclusive games are still the most important factor when choosing a console for the majority of people. I get that. You don’t want to miss out on the great content. But the thing us, unless you have enough disposable cash to buy a used car (or a PS4 in Brazil) you are going to miss out, no matter what you choose.
From a gamer’s point of view there is no reason whatsoever to be excited about console exclusivity. The fanboyism it has created translates to “The multinational mega-corporation I’m giving all my money to is better than your multinational mega-corporation!” and sound exactly as ridiculous. I don’t know if its brilliant PR, or that humans inherently want to belong to one group and hate another, but I don’t believe that console exclusivity should be anything to be happy about as a gamer.
I see console exclusivity as the laziest way possible to keep people interested in your product. After all, why bother putting effort and money into improving a console if you can just pay developers to make games accessible only to your hardware. Hell, if you open them up the Xbox One and Playstation 4 are essentially the same. People don’t buy consoles anymore because of their comfortableness, ease of use, durability, customer service, etc. They just buy based on which of the companies managed to lock down more content exclusively to their platform.
By using their money, influence and corporate bullshit, manufacturers are rigging the system, creating an arbitrary monopoly on games for their systems only. It’s such a blatant abuse of the free market principle, Adam Smith came back from the dead to hang himself. And we cheer them on, because damn those Xboners, they’ll never get our The Last of Us!
I guess what I’m trying to say: buy your exclusives used, kids… don’t encourage this unhealthy practice.
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