I just watched some gameplay footage. I understand it isn't quite finished yet, but it's almost there. And from the gameplay I've been watching, it looks absolutely terrible.. Awful combat, lame animations, same old boring leveling, questing, and talent trees.. I haven't even spotted any decent looking weapons or armor yet..
Not that I was expecting to get it anyway. After ToR, which I was SO SURE was going to be a little more interesting than most MMORPGs (I was terribly disappointed), I decided not to waste any more money on an MMORPG right when it came out. But seriously, I expected this to be a little better than what I'm seeing. At least they made ToR look halfway exciting. This crap just looks... Dreadful.
On a side note, seeing as how so many people are die hard WoW fans for whatever reason, Blizzard should make a hardcore graphics update for WoW to make it look just like the elder scrolls online does now, only keep all the same physics and menus and items and all that. That'd look pretty awesome on WoW :D
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